campdevànol, European metal capital!

Campdevànol is, since 2012, the first city in Spain member of a European association of cities called The Ring of the European Cities of Iron Works. This association brings together 19 municipalities from 14 European states since 2000 with two well-established objectives; to promote the different political actions around iron from public administrations and to permanently respect the values of peace and prosperity that inspire the European dream.
Every 2 years "La Bienal del Metal" is celebrated in the streets of the town, a meeting place for all the companies, institutions, forgers and people linked to the world of iron. One of the main objectives of this meeting was to promote the dissemination and knowledge of the metallurgical sector. As a result of this exhibition, educational activities, lectures and experimental conferences are organized for employees of these companies and the general public interested in the metal sector. 

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the exhibition is complemented from the cultural perspective, with a concentration of forgers who make a sculpture following the mandates of traditional forging. A sculpture for the occasion that aims to evoke the influence of metallurgical culture in Campdevànol. The living forge space served for citizens and interested parties to enjoy live the exciting world of forging.

Take advantage of your stay in Campdevànol, stay at our farm and visit the nearby towns of our environment and the many activities offered by the region of Ripollès.